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Peru Nordic Approach Jhony Saavedra

Regular price 638.75TL
Sale price 638.75TL Regular price
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  • Delivery date:Feb 19 - Feb 23


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Peru Nordic Approach Jhony Saavedra

Peru Nordic Approach Jhony Saavedra

Regular price 638.75TL
Sale price 638.75TL Regular price
Unit price

Product Specification

Brands: Nok Coffee Experts

Kahve Türü: Single Origin 100% Arabica

Tadım Notları: Tatlı, Sulu Meyve, Bisküvi, Erik ve Siyah Çayın Baskın Notaları

Menşei: Peru

Bölge: San Ignacio

Çiftlik Sahibi: Johnny Saavedra

İşleme Süreci: washed

Packaging: Grainpro

Bag Weight: 60 Kg

Variety: Other

Crop year: 2024

Certifications: Rainforest Alliance

Final score: 82.80

Product Details

Nordic Approach is a green coffee sourcing company that develops sustainable and transparent relationships with coffee producers in various regions of the world. One of their supply partners in Peru is Jhony Saavedra.

Jhony Saavedra is a coffee producer in Peru and works closely with Nordic Approach to ensure the highest quality coffee beans are produced. Saavedra is known for its commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and its efforts to improve the living standards of its employees and the local community.

Through their partnership, Nordic Approach and Jhony Saavedra work together to promote fair trade and environmental protection in the Peruvian coffee industry. Saavedra's coffee beans are of great interest due to their unique flavor profiles and commitment to quality.

Overall, the collaboration between Nordic Approach and Jhony Saavedra highlights the importance of sustainable and transparent sourcing practices in the coffee industry, while also showcasing the exceptional coffee produced in Peru.

Delivery and Discount

Hafta sonu, resmi tatil ve bayram dönemlerinde verdiğiniz sipariş takip eden ilk iş gününde kargoya verilir.

750 TL üzeri ücretsiz gönderim yapılır.Almış olduğunuz ürünün ambalajını açmadan/tahrip etmeden/bozmadan, ürünü kullanmadan teslim tarihinden itibaren yedi (7) günlük süre içinde teslim aldığınız şekli ile iade edebilirsiniz.

60 kg (1 Çuval) ve üzeri alışverişlerde Topdan fiyat avantajı var. Çuval bazında Çiğ kahve fiyatları almak istiyorsanız, lütfen bu numara ile iletişime keçin +90 539 671 24 04 (info@nokcoffee.com) `

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Hidayet Tuğcan Selamet
hızlı teslimat . müşteri hizmetleri çok ilgili

hızlı teslimat . müşteri hizmetleri çok ilgili. Kargo süreci çok hızlıydı.

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